Trimbakeshwar Kumbha Vivah (Female) Puja
Kumbh Vivah is a process which is used when a human has a Manglik or Double Manglik Dosh in his horoscope. Mangalik Dosh is a kind of error in horoscope which effects after the wedding only.Mangal Dosh is a dosh which shows its true colors after the wedding.
Manglik Dosh is of two types
Anshik Manglik( Little Manglik)This dosh generally ends after 18 years of age and can also be resolved by Puja or some rituals. This doesn't effects too much but still suggested that Shanti puja must be performed so that it may vanish for ever.
Major Manglik DoshThis is highly negative in nature and has some deadly impacts on married life.If a human gets married to another with Manglik dosh then the Manglik Dosh of partner will surely effect other's life.It has a single solution which is known as "Kumbh Vivah". This is the only way which can end this Dosh and may give prosperity to both Bride and Groom even if one has Major Manglik Dosh.
When the combination in the horoscope are not favorable for marriage and indicate problems to health or longevity of the couple, then Ark Vivah puja is suggested. During this the bride is first married to an Ark Tree and then with the groom to take away bad effects due to doshas in the horoscope.
The highest degree of this Manglik dosh is formed when mars is placed in ascendant or the seventh house. These two placements form two most severe manglik dosh out of which placement in seventh is the most severe of all. Next in severity in decreasing order come the mars in eighth house, then forth and then twelfth house. In addition to mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and ketu’s placement in the houses mentioned above also forms partial Manglik dosh.
The highest degree of this Manglik dosh is formed when mars is placed in ascendant or the seventh house. These two placements form two most severe manglik dosh out of which placement in seventh is the most severe of all. Next in severity in decreasing order come the mars in eighth house, then forth and then twelfth house. In addition to mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and ketu’s placement in the houses mentioned above also forms partial Manglik dosh.
What are the effects of Manglik Dosha ? The most common effect of Manglik dosha is - Delay in Marriage. Apart from this if a manglik boy/girl is married to a non-manglik spouse then the event of death or severe accidents have been witnessed by many couples which lead to death, permanent disability of the non-manglik spouse.
Kumbha Vivah Puja in Hindi
कुम्भ विवाह का सम्बन्ध मांगलिक योग से है | मंगल जन्मकुंडली में 1,4,7,8,12वें स्थान में बैठा हो तो मंगल की दृष्टि कुंडली के सातवें घर पर पड़ती है | सातवाँ घर कुंडली में पत्नी या जीवनसाथी का होता है | विवाह के लिए सातवें घर की स्थिति का आकलन किया जाता है | यदि मंगल का प्रभाव या स्थिति सातवें घर पर हो तो मांगलिक योग बनता है | यह योग चालीस प्रतिशत लोगों की कुंडलियों में मिल जाएगा और इसमें मंगल की क्षमता का गहराई से अध्ययन करने के बाद ही पता चलता है कि मांगलिक योग है या नहीं | इस तरह से देखा जाए तो मांगलिक का प्रतिशत चालीस प्रतिशत से सीधा दस या बारह प्रतिशत पर आ जाएगा | इनमे से भी जो लोग बहुत हद तक मंगल के बुरे प्रभाव से पीड़ित हैं या जिनका पहला विवाह मांगलिक दोष या किसी अन्य योग के कारण टूटने का योग हो उन्हें कुम्भ विवाह की सलाह दी जाती है |
क्यों किया जाता है कुम्भ विवाह
कुम्भ विवाह करने के पीछे बहुत ही औचित्य पूर्ण तर्क मिलता है कि यदि किसी कन्या की दो शादियों का योग हो तो शादी से पहले विधि विधान से जिस प्रकार किसी व्यक्ति के साथ विवाह किया जाता है उसी प्रकार निर्जीव वस्तु यानी घड़े से विवाह कराकर उस घड़े को तोड़ दिया जाता है | इस तरह से कन्या की जब शादी होगी तो उसे पहली न मानकर दूसरी शादी माना जाएगा |